STEP 1 – Objectifying Dreams

“Objectifying Dreams is about finding the structures actually present in the dream rather than projecting symbol systems into the dream to arrive at an interpretation. This practice requires the use of Dreamwork Record Form.
This is how you can do it: Record the dream as completely and objectively as possible without interpretation; List and evaluate key symbols and actions according to relevance, repetition and intensity of effectiveness in the dream itself; List and evaluate dream ego actions and reactions.” […]

STEP 4 – Dream Dialogue

“Having a flow conversation with a symbol to evoke its conscious meaning.”
This is how you can do it:
•  After Objectifying your dream, pick the symbol or figure with the most energy, positive or negative,
•  Make about five key questions to ask in your dialogue using the dream’s imagery and issues
•  In a quiet place, visualize your dream figure and ask a key question of it, writing down quickly whatever comes into your head. […]

STEP 7 – Exploring Principles and Attitudes as They Show Up in Dreams and Life

“Please look to a dream or emotionally intense life situation and find the principles and attitudes that are most relevant to your subject. Note that we are working with your ego function, the basis on which you make choices in life. Once you know the underlying attitudes you can often change them to principles for living an effective and fulfilling life.”

STEP 9 – Other Dreamwork Methods and Tools for In-Depth Explorations

To get an in-depth perspective on the meaning of a dream and the connections with your life, you can try the following Dreamwork Tools: “The Ego Profile – 255 Ego Self Statements Form”, “Dream Ego Profile – 20 Primary Drego Characteristics”. Or you can use other dreamwork methods, as described in the “Jungian-Senoi Dreamwork Manual” and “The Elements of Dreamworking”, by Strephon-Kaplan-Williams.